Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Books books books....

LOVE books :) (hence the blog background)

I love walking in bookshops and just look at them.... pick one out, flick through it, put it in my cart if it seems interesting enough or just put it back on the shelf.

I have five categories of books that I like the most:
  • Islamic books
  • Chick lit (Marian Keyes, Cecelia Ahern, Kate Jacobs.... etc etc)
  • Books about Cats
  • Home improvement, house keeping etc
  • Self help books
The problem is that I don't have much time for reading... so I buy new exciting books and then they just end up laying around collecting dust :(

I wish I had all the time in the world to just read and read... there is so much we can learn from books.... but we (or I) keep getting caught up in this dunya (worldly life) that I don't even have time to read Quran (although I seem to have plenty of time to spend on Facebook, Twitter, watching TV etc etc... Astaghfiurallah!!!)

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